Students can complete an internship with or without a credit course, unless employer requires enrollment in a credit-bearing course. Students from all Brandywine majors can complete an internship for credit. Five majors at Brandywine have a required internship built into the curriculum. The number of hours and credits varies by major. Below is a chart showing those majors that have a required internship and accompanying credits and hours.
Major | Year Student Completes Internship | # hours | Total # credits earned |
Business (Options: Accounting, Mktg, Mgmt) | Senior | 300 | 1+6 |
Communications | Senior | 150 | 1+3 |
Engineering | Summer after Junior | 300 | 1+1 |
Human Development & Family Studies | Senior | 480 | 2+9+3 |
Information Technology | As early as | 300 | 1+1 |